(Lawrenceburg, IN) – The Dearborn Community Foundation (DCF), Inc. recently awarded a $1,000 Proactive Grant to the Moores Hill Food Pantry to help the volunteer organization pay for a new refrigerator and/or freezer.
In its 25th year of helping donors make a difference, DCF is awarding 15 proactive grants of $1,000 each throughout 2023 to charitable organizations that serve Dearborn County residents. Each of the Foundation’s 15 volunteer Board members is recommending a grant. The money comes from the Foundation’s Unrestricted Endowment Funds, established by donors to provide flexibility to address changing needs in the community over the years.
“One of the reasons I chose to recommend a grant to the Moores Hill Food Pantry is because I feel the town has lost so many things in the past few years,” said DCF Board member Dave Lusby. “The bank, the school, etc. The community is wonderful, and I think it’s awesome that they have a food pantry. I know they have a lot of people out there in need, and I know that the pantry could use the funds.”
Food Pantry Treasurer Nick Cornell echoed Lusby’s sentiments, saying the community has lost so much in the past few years that it’s difficult to maintain its identity, but the pantry is going strong, serving nearly 40-45 families monthly, he said.
A web site that lists the pantry as “permanently closed” is inaccurate, and folks can visit the organization’s Facebook page for information and happenings.
“Man, you know it will make a difference. You never know when a freezer or refrigerator is going to go out,” said Cornell. “We try to be well-rounded and approach the fundamentals. … the staples,” he said, explaining the all-volunteer group of four people distributes food on Tuesday nights twice monthly.
Cornell said the pantry depends mostly on individual contributions, which can be mailed to Moores Hill Food Pantry, PO Box 215, Moores Hill, IN 47032.
(Dearborn Community Foundation press release)